How do I go about getting our token verified with Birdeye?
Currently the coin is on CMC, Coin Gecko, and exchanges Bifinance, Lbank, Kcex
Eat, Trade, Fart $ETF
the shield would be a nice attribute to show our validity on your platform
Can i have your token link
@SskyWorms | Moderator Btw, the discord link in the pinned comment does not work any longer.
Yes please! $ETF
The Discord link still work normally sir
About the verification badge on Birdeye, you will need verified on Jupiter first ( https://station.jup.ag/guides/general/get-your-token-on-jupiter )
@SskyWorms | Moderator can you please point me in the direction of the catdets, we have applied multiple times, however cannot reach the commmunity of catdets. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
You can try contact them on their social media, sadly i have no personal contact with them so i can’t help you